Arguments & Grievances is a live comedy series and podcast featuring comedians debating outlandish topics with audiences choosing the victor. An outrageous enterprise exploring the heated issues of the day, including: "Hugs
vs. Drugs", "Dr. Dre vs. Dr. Seuss", and "Batman vs. Spiderman."
Half comedy show, half rhetorical fight to the death, Arguments & Grievances is an impressive showing of live comedy, absurdity, and engaging fun.
Arguments & Grievances is every first Friday of the month at 8 pm at North Bar in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood.
Next Shows
While we are sheltering in place during the Covid-19 pandemic, join us for digital A&G shows!
Arguments & Grievances: June Zoom
Friday, June 5 @ 8 pm CST (9 EST/6 Pacific)
Registration is free, but we will be taking Venmo donations for the performers.
We will also be streaming the show on Facebook Live, but you gotta join the Zoom to vote.
Featuring comics from coast-to-coast, including folks you’ve seen on Fallon, Colbert, Comedy Central, and more!